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I have never in all my creating years, had such a moment of uncertainty, it is as if the very marrow of my mind has drained. I feel as if the art to create a story has vacated my thoughts. I cannot simply write; the story doesn’t flow. I seem to have lost sight. It is as if the weaves of their lives have stopped.  I have never faced such a challenge.  I see in my mind the world and the stories but when my fingers take up the pen and I go to write the page stays blank.  Empty of plot, vacant of character; I feel as if I have landed in a conundrum, a deep pit with nothing to hold on to.   It is as if I am sinking, the only thing is it doesn’t scare me, I just don’t know if it is a place that will last or if the floor will come back and the pit will vanish.  I worry that Enchantment will suffer for my lack of idea and creativity.  I have started others, ordinary fiction, but I know the stories in the Enchantment are not done.  I know there is more, still it is as if the Enchantment has gone silent, only to be filled with silence.  Where once there were voices and images, and worlds of ideas there is now a black silence vacant of life.  I hope this will bring another tale, but until then I will have to follow the only path that sits before me.  It is a strange path, but it is what there is.

I started a book; I call it, At Arms Length of a Rose Garden.  It is an ambitious idea, but inspiration came, however; like the rest it stalled, much like my creativity, the story stalled.  I don’t know how to proceed.  It is daring, certainly for me, I who lives her life in the imaginary world of the Enchantment, living through my characters, yet now it is as if they have left me.  It is a strange thing to feel lost in the real world.  But I have found the SCA, Society of Creative Anachronisms, and that is helping my creativity bloom again.  I have been inspired to write a story about my character I have created for the society, and I think it will be a fun tale once my creativity picks up.  I have to create a personality and I will use that personality to get back into the creative world.

I think what did it to me was the making of so many gown in such a short time.  It think it over whelmed me.  I will however press on.  I have started baking muffins at the Bistro, and that is helping some.  Stay tuned for once the stall is fixed I will start posting my blog book At Arms Length of a Rose Garden.  I hope this post will help me get past the clot in the organ of my imagination.  Well it is 3:00 am and I really need to get to bed, long day ahead of me tomorrow.  I will post more when I have it.  Until then, let the world of the written word embrace you and sit down with your favorite book.  I thank you for listening to me ramble.  It means a lot.
